Publications Ś-Z


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Śliwa, J., Queen Hatshepsut in Cracow, [in:] Aksamit, J., Dolińska, M., Majewska, A., Niwiński, A., Rzepka, S., Szafrański, Z.E. (eds), Essays in Honour of Prof. Dr. Jadwiga Lipińska, Warsaw 1997, pp. 65-68, pl. VI.

Śliwa, J., Przedstawienia triumfującego władcy w świątyni Hatszepsut w Deir el-Bahari, Prace Historyczne 70 (1981), pp. 7-10. 

Śliwa, J., Representations of the Triumphant Ruler in the Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Folia Orientalia 20 (1979), pp. 165-169.

Śliwa, J., Świątynia królowej Hatszepsut, Filomata 233 (1969), pp. 147-161.

Śliwa, J., The Expedition to the Land of Punt [in Polish], Filomata 202 (1966), pp. 95-109.

Śliwa, J., Kozłowski, J.K., Deir el-Bahari (Investigation by the Jagiellonian University Archaeological Expedition during 1974), Recherches Archeologiques, Cracow 1974, pp. 77-90.


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Tefnin, R., Lecture d'un espace architectural. Un fragment du temple d'Hatshepsout à Deir el-Bahari, CdE 60, Nos. 119-120 (1985), pp. 303-321.

Tefnin, R., La statuaire d'Hatshepsout. Portrait royal et politique sous la 18e Dynastie, Monumenta Aegyptiaca 4, Bruxelles 1979.
The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut. Results of the Investigations and Conservation Works of the Polish-Egyptian Archeological Mission 1968-1972 1, Warsaw 1979.

Tefnin, R., La chapelle d’Hathor du temple d’Hatshepsout à Deir el-Bahari: La recherche de l'harmonie dans l'architecture égyptienne, CdE 50 (1975), pp. 136-150.

Tefnin, R., L'an 7 de Touthmosis III et d'Hatshepsout, CdE 48, No. 96 (1973), pp. 232-242.
The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut. Results of the Investigation and Conservation Works of the Polish-Egyptian Archaeological and Preservation Mission at Deir el-Bahari 3, Warsaw 1985. 

The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut. Results of the Investigation and Conservation Works of the Polish-Egyptian Archaeological Mission 1972-1973 2, Warsaw 1980.


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Uchman-Laskowska, I., 
Conservation and Restoration of Wall Painting in the Southern Chamber of Amun of the Hatshepsut Temple in Deir el-Bahari, PAM XIX, Reports 2007 (2010), pp. 285-295.

Ullmann, M., König für die Ewigkeit. Die Häuser der Millionen von Jahren. Eine Untersuchung zu Königskult und Tempeltypologie in Ägypten, Wiesbaden 2002 (ÄAT, 51), (esp. pp. 26-46).


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Varga, E., “Ex-votos” provenant de Deir al-Bahari, [in:] Hommages à Jean Leclant IV. Varia, Le Caire 1994, pp. 403-410.

Van Siclen III, C.C., Queen Ahmose Receives Offerings, GM 97 (1987), pp. 21-24. 

Van Siclen III, C.C., Ostracon BM 41228: A Sketch Plan of a Shrine Reconsidered, GM 90 (1986), pp. 71-77. 


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Walle, B. van de, Un bloc sculpté provenant de la chapelle des offrandes de Thoutmosis Ier au temple de Hatshepsout à Deir el-Bahari, CdE 46, no. 91 (1971), pp. 23-34.

Wente, E.F., Some graffiti from the reign of Hatshepsut, JNES 43 (1984), pp. 47-54.

Werbrouck, M., Le cirque de Deir el-Bahari, Reflets du Monde: Revue bimestrielle de diffusion scientifique 1, Brüssel 1952, pp. 1-16.

Werbrouck, M., Le Temple d`Hatshepsout à Deir el-Bahari, Bruxelles 1949.

Weynants-Ronday, M., Histoire d'un grand ministre et d'une grande reine: Senmout et Hatshepsout, Chronique d’Égypte 4 nos. 7-8 (1929), pp. 53-71.

Wieczorek, D., Building dipinti in the Hatshepsut and Thutmose III Temples at Deir el-Bahari: Summarising Four Seasons of Work (2006, 2008, 2009, 2011), [in:]Non-textual marking systems in Ancient Egypt, Lingua Aegyptia Studia monographica, 16, Hamburg 2015, pp. 49-57 

Wieczorek, D., Building dipinti in the Temple of Thutmose III. Documentation work, season 2011, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean XXIII/1 (Research 2011), 2014, pp. 221-228 

Wieczorek, D.F., Building dipinti in the Temple of Hatshepsut. Documentation work, season 2007/2008, PAM XX, Research 2008 (2011), pp. 203-211 

Wieczorek, D.F., Observations on Building dipinti in the Temple of Hatszepsut at Deir el-Bahari, [in:] Dolińska, M., Beinlich, H. (eds), 8. Ägyptologische Tempeltagung: Interconnections between Temples, Königstum, Staat und Gesellschaft früher Hochkulturen 3,3, Wiesbaden 2010, pp. 213-220.

Wieczorek, D.F., Tutmozydzkie dipinti budowlane a ostraka hieratyczne z tego samego okresu, Rocznik Archeologiczny Instytutu Archeologii UW I (1) 2009, pp. 155-161.
Wieczorek, D.F., Some Remarks on the Dates in the Building-Dipinti Discovered in the Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, [in:] J. Popielska-Grzybowska, J. Iwaszczuk (eds), Fifth Central European Conference of Egyptologists. Egypt 2009: Perspectives of Research Pułtusk 22-24 June 2009, Pułtusk 2009, pp. 207-211, figs. 105-107.

Wieczorek, D.F., Building Dipinti from the Temple of Hatshepsut. Preliminary Remarks, 2005/2006, PAM XVIII (2008), pp. 285-289.

Wilson, J.A., WERBROUCK, MARCELLE. Le Temple de Hatshepsout à Deir el Bahari: The University of Chicago Press (Book Review)Journal of Near Eastern Studies 11/4 (1952), pp. 296-298.

Winlock, H.E., Excavations at Deir el-Bahari 1911-1931, New York 1942 (2nd ed.: In Search of a Woman Pharaoh Hatshepsut. Excavations at Deir el-Bahari 1911-1931, London-New York-Bahrein 2001).

Winlock, H.E., A granite sphinx of Hat-shepsut, BMMA 30 (1935), pp. 159-160.

Winlock, H.E., The Tomb of Queen Meryet-Amun at Thebes, MMA Egyptian Expedition VI, New York 1932.

Winlock, H.E., The Museum’s Excavations at Thebes, BMMA 27 (1932), pp. 4-37.

Winlock, H.E., Notes on the Reburial of Tuthmosis I, JEA 15 (1929), pp. 56-68.

Winlock, H.E., The Egyptian Expedition 1928-1929: The Museum’s Excavations at Thebes, BMMA 24 (1929), pp. 3-34.

Winlock, H.E., The Egyptian Expedition 1925-1927: The Museum’s Excavations at Thebes, BMMA 23.2 (1928), pp. 3-58.

Winlock, H.E., The Egyptian Expedition 1927-1928: The Museum’s Excavations at Thebes, BMMA 23.12 (1928), pp. 3-28.

Winlock, H.E., The Museum’s Excavations at Thebes, BMMA 21 (1926), pp. 5-32.

Winlock, H.E., The Egyptian Expedition 1923-1924, BMMA 19.12 (1924), pp. 3-33.

Winlock, H.E., Museum’s Excavations at Thebes, BMMA 18 (1922-23), pp. 11-39.

Witkowski, M.G., Der Tempel der Königin Hatschepsut in Deir el-Bahari, Antike Welt 29 (1998), pp. 41-56. 

Witkowski, M.G., Deir el-Bahari et l’enigme des chapelles redoublees, Les Dossiers d’Archeologie 187 (1993), pp. 80-83.

Witkowski, M.G., Résultat de l’analyse de la substance transparente recueillie dans la Chapelle Haute d’Anubis à Deir el-Bahari en 1977, EtudTrav XIV (1990), pp. 391-392.
Witkowski, M.G., Quatre saisons des travaux de documentation dans les chapelles d’Anubis au Temple de la Reine Hatchepsout à Deir el-Bahari,EtudTrav XIV (1990), pp. 369-392.

Witkowski, M.G., Le rôle et les fonctions des chapelles d'Anubis dans le complexe funéraire de la reine Hatshepsout à Deir el Bahari, [in:] Schoske, S. (ed.), Akten des Vierten Internationalen Ägyptologen Kongresses, München 1985 II, BSAK, Hamburg 1989, pp. 431-440.

Witkowski, M.G., Le rôle et les fonctions des chapelles d'Anubis dans le complexe funéraire de la reine Hatshepsout à Deir el Bahari, [in:] Abstracts of Papers of the Fourth International Congress of Egyptology, Munich 1985, pp. 269-270.

Witkowski, M.G., Certains aspects du culte des dieux funeraires aux temps de la Reine Hatshepsout à Deir el-Bahari 1-3 (unpublished PhD dissertation, Warsaw University), Warsaw 1983.

Wójcik, J., Zastosowanie fotogrametrii w badaniach archeologiczno-architektonicznych świątyni Hatszepsut, Ochrona Zabytków 29, No. 3 (114) (1976), pp. 218-222.

Wysocki, Z., Deir el-Bahari, Saisons 1982-1985, EtudTrav XVI (1992), pp. 435-464.
Wysocki, Z., Deir el-Bahari – Temple of Hatshepsut, 1986-1988 Seasons, EtudTrav XVI (1992), pp. 465-485.
Wysocki, Z., The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari: The Raising of the Structure in View of Architectural Studies, MDAIK 48 (1992), pp. 233-254.

Wysocki, Z., The architectural and implementational work of the Polish-Egyptian Archaeological and Preservation Mission in 1968-1988, [in:] The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut. Results of the Investigations and Conservation Works of the Polish-Egyptian Archaeological and Preservation Mission Deir el-Bahari  4, Warsaw 1991, pp. 7-20.

Wysocki, Z., The references on the Queen Hatshepsut Temple in Deir el-Bahari - Works by conservators, [in:] The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut. Results of the Investigations and Conservation Works of the Polish-Egyptian Archaeological and Preservation Mission Deir el-Bahari 4, Warsaw 1991, pp. 85-89.
Wysocki, Z., List of architectural documentation (research, studies and design) elaborated by members of the Polish-Egyptian Archaeological and Preservation Mission at Deir el-Bahari – at the centre of Egyptian Architecture of the PKZ, Gdansk branch, [in:] The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut. Results of the Investigations and Conservation Works of the Polish-Egyptian Archaeological and Preservation Mission Deir el-Bahari 4, Warsaw 1991, pp. 90-96.

Wysocki, Z., Deir el-Bahari, 1977-1982, EtudTrav XIV (1990), pp. 321-348.

Wysocki, Z., Architectes anciens et modernes œuvrent pour Hatchepsout, Dossiers Histoire et Archéologie 136 (1989), pp. 24-29.

Wysocki, Z., Temple of Queen Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari – research and construction work by the team of specialists from PP PKZ (bibliography) [in Polish], Centralny Ośrodek Informacji Budownictwa (eksport budownictwa – Egipt) 10, Warsaw 1988, pp. 78-104.

Wysocki, Z., The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut at Deir El Bahari – The Results of Architectural Research over the North Part of the Upper Terrace, MDAIK43 (1987), pp. 267-276.

Wysocki, Z., Deir el-Bahari – świątynia Hatszepsut. Prace konserwatorskie, [in:] 50 lat polskich wykopalisk w Egipcie i na Bliskim Wschodzie. Uniwersytet Warszawski Stacja Archeologii Śródziemnomorskiej im. prof. Kazimierza Michałowskiego, Warszawa, 1986, pp. 43-52.
Wysocki, Z., The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari: Its Original Form, MDAIK 42 (1986), pp. 213-228.
Wysocki, Z., Temple of Queen Hatshepsut – discovery, research and reconstruction of the rock platform above the Upper Courtyard [in Polish], Ochrona Zabytków 4 (1986), pp. 239-254.

Wysocki, Z., The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari. The results of analysis and studies on the meaning of the lines retained on the south revetment of the Middle Courtyard Terrace, MDAIK 41 (1985), pp. 293-307.
Wysocki, Z., The Discovery and Reintegration of Two Niches in the Main Sanctuary at Deir el-Bahari, [in:] Mélanges Gamal Eddin Mohktar II, Cairo 1985, pp. 361-378.
Wysocki, Z., Architectural investigations and preservation work carried out in the Northern Portico of the Middle Court of the Queen Hatshepsut Temple, [in:] The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut. Results of the Investigations and Conservation Works of the Polish-Egyptian Archaeological and Preservation Mission Deir el-Bahari 3, Warsaw 1985, pp. 10-34.
Wysocki, Z., The results of architectural investigations on historical development of the Queen Hatshepsut Temple, [in:] The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut. Results of the Investigations and Conservation Works of the Polish-Egyptian Archaeological and Preservation Mission Deir el-Bahari 3, Warsaw 1985, pp. 35-62.

Wysocki, Z., The results of research, architectonic studies and of protective work over the North Portico of the Middle Courtyard in the Hatshepsut Temple at Deir el-Bahari, MDAIK 40 (1984), pp. 329-349.

Wysocki, Z., Deir el-Bahari 1976-1977, EtudTrav XII (1983), pp. 277-284.
Wysocki, Z., Świątynia królowej Hatszepsut – Badania i prace ekipy pracowni konserwacji zabytków, Ochrona Zabytków 36, No. 1-2 (140-141) (1983), pp. 69-81 [Temple of Queen Hatshepsut – research and work by a team from the Ateliers for the Conservation of Historical Monuments].
Wysocki, Z., The Discoveries, Research and the Results of the Reconstruction Made at the Rock Platform and the Protective Wall over the Upper Terrace,MDAIK 39 (1983), pp. 243-253.

Wysocki, Z., W dolinie Deir el-Bahari, Głos Wybrzeża 134 (9-11.07.1982).

Wysocki, Z., Activities of the Egyptian Architecture Center of the PP PKZ – Gdańsk Branch in 1971-1981 [in Polish], Ośrodek Informacji PKZ - Informacje Bieżące, Warsaw 1981, pp.
Wysocki, Z., Światło świątyni Hatszepsut, Głos Wybrzeża 112 (5-7.06.1981).

Wysocki, Z., The Upper Court Colonnade of Hatshepsut’s Temple at Deir el-Bahri, JEA 66 (1980), pp. 54-69.
Wysocki, Z., Badania, studia i wnioski oraz realizacja prac reintegracyjnych zabudowy górnego tarasu świątyni królowej Hatszepsut, Biuletyn informacyjny PKZ, Warszawa 27 (1975), pp. 33-63 [Investigations, Studies, Conclusions and the Carrying-out of Works aimed at the Reintegration of the Building situated on the Upper Terrace of Queen Hatshepsut’s Temple, [in:] The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut. Results of the Investigations and Conservation Works of the Polish-Egyptian Archaeological and Preservation Mission Deir el-Bahari 2, Warsaw 1980, pp. 45-80].

Wysocki, Z., Deir el-Bahari 1974-1975, EtudTrav XI (1979), pp. 207-216.
Wysocki, Z., Deir el-Bahari 1975-1976, EtudTrav XI (1979), pp. 221-228.
Wysocki, Z., W świątyni królowej Hatszepsut, Problemy 6 (1979), pp. 14-21.

Wysocki, Z., Deir el-Bahari 1973-1974, EtudTrav X (1978), pp. 387-396.

Wysocki, Z., Denkmälern zu Hilfe, Polen Kaleidoskop, Warszawa 1977, pp. 182-186.
Wysocki, Z., Bardzo trudne piękno, Głos Wybrzeża 258 (12.11.1977).

Wysocki, Z., Deir el-Bahari 1972-1973, EtudTrav IX (1976), pp. 241-250.

Wysocki, Z., Stan obiektu przed rozpoczęciem prac i zamierzenia konserwatorskie, Biuletyn informacyjny PKZ 27 (1975), pp. 13-20 [The State of Preservation of the Object prior to Starting the Works and Intended Course of Conservation, [in:] The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut. Results of the Investigations and Conservation Works of the Polish-Egyptian Archaeological and Preservation Mission Deir el-Bahari 1, Warsaw 1975, pp. 21-30].
Wysocki, Z., Na Ratunek, Polska 4 (1973), pp. 8-9, 20.

Wysocki, Z., Deir el-Bahari, EtudTrav VII (1973), pp. 253-262.

Wysocki, Z., Sześciu w Tebach, Poznaj Świat 9 (1969), pp. 14-16.

Wysocki, Z., Karkowski, J., Deir el-Bahari 1971-1972, EtudTrav VIII (1975), pp. 341-348.


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Yoyotte, J., Le cas Hatchepsout, Les Dossiers d’Archeologie 187 (1993), pp. 2-3.

Yoyotte, J., La date supposée du couronnement d'Hatshepsout, Kêmi 18 (1968), pp. 85-91.


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