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Honorary “Bene Merito” distinction for Dr. Zbigniew E. SzafrańskiDr. Zbigniew E. Szafrański, director of the mission, has been awarded by the Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs Grzegorz Schetyna with the honorary "Bene Merito" for his role in promoting Poland and Polish Mediterranean archaeology abroad. Polish Ambasador in Cairo Michał Murkociński decorated Dr. Szafrański during a ceremony held on 19 October 2015 at the seat of the Research Center in Cairo, which was attended by firends and associates from the international archaeological community in Egypt.
More info can be found HERE. |
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Mission's Facebook pageNews about the Hatshepsut Miission are now available on Facebook. You can find there more pictures of the temple, from conferences and other events related to the Mission's activity. Please like us on Facebook - our page can be found HERE. |
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11th ICE August 23-30, 2015, FlorenceOn August 23-30, 2015, the 11th International Congress of Egyptologist will take place at the University of Florence, bringing together scholars from all over the world. Among the more than 300 speakers, members of Hatshepsut Mission will give following presentations:
Monday, August 24th, 4-4.30 pm, room 8: Kamila Braulińska, Cats and Dogs of Hatshepsut
Tuesday, August 25th, 3-3.30 pm, room 8: Patryk Chudzik, Tombs of High Officials at Asasif Necropolis During the Middle Kingdom and Beyond. Preliminary Report of Work Done by the Polish Mission
Wednesday, August 26, 2.30-3.00 pm, room 8: dr Anastazja Stupko-Lubczyńska, Reading the procession of offering bearers in the Chapel of Hatshepsut (Deir el-Bahari)
3.00-3.30 pm, room 5: dr Aleksandra Hallmann, Funerary linen from Deir el-Bahari
Thursday, August 27th, 9-9.30, room 13: Jadwiga Iwaszczuk, Progress of Work on the Reconstruction of the Temple of Thutmose I 11.15-11.45, room 8: Edyta Kopp, The motif of the kiosk during the first half of the 18th dynasty 11.45-12.15, room 8: Katarzyna Kapiec, Pr-wr chests as objects for storing ritual materials – study based on the decoration in the Southern Room of Amun in the temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari
Complete programme can be found HERE. |
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Media reports about the opening of the Solar Complex, which took place February 22, 2015Many media reports about the opening of the Complex of Solar Cult in the Temple of Hatshepsut has been posted in the Internet. Full list and links can be found in the tab MEDIA. |
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CECE7 – VIIth European Conference of Egyptologists. Egypt 2015: Perspectives of ResearchCECE7 – VIIth European Conference of Egyptologists. Egypt 2015: Perspectives of Research will be held on 2-7 June, 2015. Hatshepsut's Mission will be represented by Jadwiga Iwaszczuk and Kamila Braulińska on June 3rd:
9.40 Jadwiga Iwaszczuk, Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures – Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw Some Remarks on the Lion Iconography in the Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari
The conference is co-organised by a few scholarly institutions, the Department of History, The Centre for Croatian Studies, the University of Zagreb (represented by dr. Mladen Tomorad), Croatia, the Croatian Association for Medical Anthropology of the Croatian Medical Association (represented by dr. Mislav Čavka), and the Department of Ancient Cultures of the Pułtusk Academy of Humanities in Pułtusk, Poland (represented by dr Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska). The conference is also supported by the Croatian Institute of History, Croatian National Board of Historical Sciences and Croatian Historical Society.
Conference programm can be found HERE. |
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Upcoming events in Egypt related to the Hatshepsut MissionDr. Zbigniew E. Szafrański will give a talk on the April 17th in the Egyptian television. Next the Visegrad Group conference "Egyptological Evening", organised by the Czech Republic Embassy in Cairo, will take place on the 28th of April. During this event Dr. Zbigniew E. Szafrański and Izabela Uchman will give lectures about PCMA and work at the Temple of Hatshepsut.
Dr Zbigniew E. Szafrański, „From prehistory to Roman university and hermitages – the PCMA works”
More details can be found HERE. |
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Current Research in Egyptology XVI in Oxford, 15-18 April, 2015On the 15-18 April the XVIth Current Research in Egyptology conference will be held at the University of Oxford. This year's conference theme is Travel in Egypt. Two memebers of our mission will present their research. Filip Taterka will give a paper Hatshepsut’s Expedition to the Land of Punt - Novelty or Tradition?, while Katarzyna Kapiec will present a poster Travel of Artifacts - Objects from Hatshepsut’s Temple in Deir el-Bahari in the Museums’ Collections Around the World, concerning emerging database of artifacts from the Temple after Hatshepsut's reign stored outside Egypt. This database and one created by Jadwiga Iwaszczuk (artifacts from the reign of Hatshepsut) are gradually added in our tab Objects in museums.
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The Vth Iberian Conference of Egyptology will be held next weekThe Vth Iberian Conference of Egyptology will take place from the 9th to the 12th of March in Cuenca, Spain. Sergio Alarcón Robledo, member of our mission, will give a paper Configuración original de la terraza superior del Templo Funerario de Hatshepsut en Deir el-Bahari (Original configuration of the Upper Courtyard of the Funerary Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari) on Monday 9th at 6.05 PM.
The congress program and more information can be found HERE. |
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First photo relation from the opening of the Complex of the Solar CultFirst photo relation from the opening ceremony of the Complex of the Solar Cult can be viewed in our GALLERY. Pictures were taken by Mission's photographer, Maciej Jawornicki. |